The Metabolic Renewal Program is further explained in the slides below. This program is appropriate for anyone who wishes to address issues related to chronic fatigue, pain or stress and/or autoimmune conditions such as autoimmune hypothyroidism.
Here are our shorter individual programs that focus on specific health issues. These are online video based mini-programs:

Release date: January 31, 2025.

Release date: January 31, 2025

Release date: March 15, 2025.
Another way to start is with one of Dr. Mittag’s audiobooks. Each audiobook gives you a background understanding of a specific health topic and shows you the most current proven natural remedy approach for healing the issue.
Downloadable Audiobooks
A series of practical and easy to understand audiobooks on common health problems we struggle with in 2022.

Release date: January 31, 2025.

Release date: January 31, 2025

Release date: March 15, 2025.
Dr. Mittag’s telemedicine services:

Functional Medicine
Natural Medicine or “functional medicine” focuses on finding and correcting underlying imbalances in the body that block health and vitality.

Discounted Functional Medicine Lab Testing
We pass our “doctors” wholesale pricing on to our patients to make testing more affordable so that you can identify the root cause of health issues.

Custom Health Plans
Patient health plans include diet, exercise, stress management, nutraceuticals and supplements, detoxification protocols and other natural remedy modalities.
Online Courses
We are steadily adding to a series of online courses on topics such as insomnia, stress or adrenal fatigue, brain health and more. These courses are designed to show you what to do to solve many of today’s health issues. See our course on adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism here.

Discounted Professional Quality Nutritional Supplements
Only supplements sold exclusively to health professionals are required to maintain stringent quality controls. Because of the questionable quality of most commercial supplements available over the counter, we want to make sure that you get ones that work.

FSM Prescriptions
Frequency Specific Microcurrent is fast gaining a reputation for achieving remarkable health benefits. These electrical devices treat a wide variety of health conditions. They are only available through licensed health providers.

Why Telemedicine?
Health care will always require a human touch. While the physical touch of a chiropractor or massage therapist cannot be replaced, there are other elements to touch. The essense of human “touch” is compassion and authentic caring for the welfare of one’s clients/patients. It is now recognized that most of the health issues facing Americans are issues of diet and lifesyle. Health providers are more and more placed in a position of being a teacher of health. This is appropriate since the latin roots of the word “doctor” literally mean to teach.